Kevin and Jess Lubich are the owners and operators of Have Ya Herd. They also run a small family dairy farm, Lubich Farms Inc. in River Falls, Wisconsin. Milking 70 head of cattle and cash crop farming, is a full time job and then some. Aside from farming, they also have 4 small children, to say they are busy is an understatement! On Saturdays and Sundays you can find Jess running the show at Have Ya Herd, making sure every guest, and every goat has a great time! Kevin is the man behind the scenes, feeding the animals and driving the tractors.
They started with 3 goats, just as pets, and things took off from there. They quickly bonded with the animals and learned that others love the goats as much as they do. As their collection of goats started to grow, they decided to take this love and make it available for everyone. Thats where the idea of a goat yoga “studio” was born; combining the relaxation of yoga, and the calmness and cuteness of the goats.
This is a whole new venture for them, and a challenging one at that. Sign up for a class or two and come say hello, not only to the goats but to Kevin and Jess as well!
The craze is real! Be sure to check out our channel for continuous “Herd” action!
Contact Us
Questions about Goat Yoga classes or what it is? Give us a shout!