Welcome to the original Goat Yoga destination of the St. Croix Valley!
Have Ya Herd about goat yoga? What is goat yoga? Are you crazy? Goats doing yoga? Yoga with goats?
We have “herd” them all. No we’re not crazy. Crazy excited! Goat yoga classes are now being offered just 20 minutes from the Twin Cities area, in beautiful Roberts, Wisconsin. Located right off 94, we are easy to find!
Come check out our family farm, complete with goats, pigs, cows, Honkey the donkey and even a mini horse, Patches! Yoga classes are being offered Saturdays at 10:00am. Signing up is easy; follow the “Book Now” button above to save your spot! Pick a date (or two, or three) that works for you and give it a try! Goat Yoga! Yoga with goats! In the open air, surrounded by all the beautiful country, rural, farm fresh air!
Have ya "HERD" What We're About
Kevin and Jess Lubich are the owners and operators of Have Ya Herd. They also run a small family dairy farm, Lubich Farms Inc. in River Falls, Wisconsin. They also are the parents to 4 small children, to say they are busy is an understatement!…

The craze is real! Be sure to check out our channel for continuous “Herd” action!
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